me busy for a long time since the matter with the name of God. Everyone talks about God and the existence or not of the world. But which god is it meant? Dad, love, Christ has been used. When I look carefully, use these terms, other. This same concept, different website. Perfect Chaos or staged seduction? Or the latter with the former goal.
The thing about the name. As parents, we give our children names, on vacation, we were allowed to give a newborn calf a name. Adam named all the animals name, someone wondered how people would probably call them all. Everything has a name, but God will be God? The name identifies a person.
I think we live in a time when we should be exactly where, then, is what God meant. Finally, there are many.
If even a Muslim minister in Germany can say the sentence at the end of the oath, "So help me God" Oezkan-is-first-Muslim-Ministerin.html
"In a statement of their house it was said, as cited by Özkan devout Muslim "explicitly to the one and only God," which Judaism, Christianity and Islam had in common. "all lumped together, no wonder it did not agree well, or He is schizophrenic
"God" means in Arabic "Allah", we should be careful with our words
As for the Bible says:..?
2.Mo 3.13 And Moses said to God: Behold, I come unto the children of Israel and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they will ask me? What is his name - what should I tell them?
14 God said to Moses, "I am who I am," a And he said: Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: "I am he that delivered me to you sent.
15 And again God said to Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you; that is my name forever, yes, that's the name by which you shall remember me 2 from generation to generation.
1 The Hebrew name of the God of Israel (in this translation with Lord rendered, and probably he was " Yahweh" is based ") on the Hebrew word hawa = be / exist"; "hence the phrase 'I am who I am" (see also the "I'm in John 6.35, 8.58, etc.).
2 w. the name of my remembrance. 1 The Hebrew name of the God of Israel (in this translation with Lord rendered, and probably he was " Yahweh" is based ") on the Hebrew word hawa = be / exist"; "hence the phrase 'I am who I am" (see also the "I'm in John 6.35, 8.58, etc.).
Can it be that even in the Bible, the Scriptures, the name of Him who is the Word, and it gave us, can only be found in a footnote? This is the extinction of the same person and is a biblical understanding of a curse.
Joel 3, 5 And it shall come: Anyone who the name of the LORD ( the name of YAHWEH , highlighting and insertion of the author's calling) will be saved;
If the name is unknown, how can you call for rescue?
Equally important, I think that there is about Jesus Christ and clarity:
Jesus is the Christ crucified is the Son of the living God YAHWEH. He is God and became man, died for the sins of all mankind. By his death and resurrection we can receive forgiveness of sins and a new eternal life.
Joh14, 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way and the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me!
The Scriptures were taken from the butcher's 2000 Bible. In the electronic edition ( ) there is not even the distinction between "Lord" and "Lord", only "Lord."
but sometimes the people you talk with "Mr." or "woman" without name. The reactions it will be interesting. But as we deal with YAHWEH, where we just call Him "Lord", or you can call him "Lord"?
In Mt 7, 21 says Jesus Christ: "Not everyone who says to me:. Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father in heaven" My
God has a name: YAHWEH
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