Thursday, July 15, 2010

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ON - Culture and Creative Index

A publication for the cultural and creative industries

the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg
," On the AEG, Nuremberg, runs an exhibition and events hall, is now also active in publishing. After several months of workshops and preparatory work within the working group on cultural and creative industries ", a team has formed, which has provided during the Creative Coworking Festival 2010, the basis for a publication for the cultural and creative industries in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg. "
ON - Culture and Creative Index "Is a magazine-like publication for the cultural and creative economy of the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. You should paint a representative picture as possible of the creative and cultural sector of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg, where she first takes the creative and cultural sector of the city of Nuremberg in the view.
medium term, the publication will present players from the cultural and creative economy of the entire metropolitan area and thus bring greater transparency and greater disclosure of industry within and outside the region. The 11 sub-sectors of creative industries are assumed to be categorical framework by which structures the content be. With the aim to publish as a print publication ON, is first placed under a weblog.
The editorial motivated actors on the one hand the cultural and Kreativwrtschaft (artists, professionals, initiatives, institutions) to set their own contributions (text, image, video, games, etc.) in the blog. The contributions will be tested before release editorial and possibly edited. In addition, the editors also written their own contributions. Here are various journalistic forms of representation are used - from an interview on portraits to reportage. Also, dates and short messages found in the on place. In addition, topics and projects from outside be the metropolitan region (national, international) represented, if they have reference to the metropolitan region and serve the networking industries.
The first content for the weblog are generated from the results of the Creative Coworking festivals (the contents of the projects and workshops verschriftlicht by the participants or their representatives and made available for publication).


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