Friday, April 16, 2010

Koleston Colour Chart Online

2010: Year of Silence

silence, we all certainly have needed more than ever. Including me. As the relief-issue the 'Year came out of silence, "I thought to myself, take it once with, maybe it helps you
Well, when I had so read some articles, I had some before so strange. quiet time without a Bible, breathing when breathing out the name of Jesus, the Jesus Prayer, techniques, meditation. memories of my W + G-time high came recognizable similarities has. Fortunately, with the meditation at W + G with me never went so right.

A quote on the back of Klaus Bockmühl I liked:
. "We need to be soaked to the Word of Scripture, to be able to properly listen to God"

I recently discovered these two articles that I speak from the heart of what I read the relief-issue and explain some things have felt better than I could. -Lang.pdf

particularly a quote from Luther (from the first article), I'm taken:
"Luther's warning came just as dramatically as clearly: I therefore urge you against such destructive spirits who say that a person receives the Holy Spirit through silent sitting in the corner, on guard to be. A hundred thousand devils, he is received and not to come God. "

And yet another link to the topic: 20of% 202010% 20Stille


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