Tuesday, February 9, 2010

P90x Digital Copy Droid

forgiveness - and all is well again?

would be nice if it were so.
But sin is sin, and it has an impact, even if we receive forgiveness for sin.
The consequences of sin remain. Sin is failing the objectives. So repentance is called for, it takes time and still is the man behind no longer the same. The time of error and failure can not simply wipe out, as if nothing had happened. There were reasons, attitudes, thoughts, which led to the wrong track. Decisions were made, ignored warnings.
All this must be worked up, deal with the new word of God, ask for new meaning and purpose, ask for the why, injuries have healed, renewed thoughts and attitudes, how to generate further astray, as it goes.
No, time heals no wounds, only the grace of Jesus Christ makes whole again. And yet it's never as bad as if nothing had happened ...

Rom 8, 28 We know that those who love God all things work together for good, where are the called according to his purpose.

This is the grace of God in the awkward situation that all things work together for good (so literally) , but not a guarantee for complete recovery in terms of extinction of what happened, including its consequences.

We live out of His grace. Who is to see, that he did not fall.

Jn 5.14 then find him in the temple and Jesus saith unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin henceforth not more so you happens not something worse!
Jn 8:11 She said, No one, sir! Jesus said to her, "I condemn you not . Go and sin not more!

Nuns Sasuke Sprite Sheet

promises of the Creator

Jes 49.15 Can a woman forget her infant that they should not have compassion on the son of her womb? And whether they may forget, yet will I your not forget .

Although such crass things have happened, is still the promise of our Heavenly Father, who is a God of the widows and orphans, that He does not forget the victims!

Yes, the God of the Bible alive. I praise Him. Some like pronouncements of death him, but he survived. Mocks God not man!
ER and is true to his word. He has loved us so much that He has given us in writing.
Yes, his word is spirit and life. Jesus Christ is the Word who has come in the flesh. He is the Saviour, the Redeemer. He is still, even today, still the same.

Heb 13, 5 Do not be greedy, and let you meet with what is there. For the Lord has said (Joshua 1:5): "I will leave you, nor forsake you"
6 We too can confidently say (Psalm 118.6). "The Lord is my helper, and I fear I will not, what can you do me a man "

Mt 6, 31? therefore should not tell her, What shall we be eating? What will we drink? What shall we wear?
32 After all the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and it will be added to you.
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. It is enough that each day is the evil thereof.